ENC 1102 Information

Gary Ancheta

(I do not answer my phone, so please e-mail me if you have any questions).

Cooper Hall 308-L

Office Hours:
1-5 T/Th
(please e-mail or talk to me after class to make an appointment).

Class Links
Project 3 Outline
Project 3 Worksheet
Annotated Bibliography
Project 2 Worksheet
Project 1 Worksheet
Class Syllabus

USF English Links
Writing Center
College Writing Resources

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Turn in Paper (in a Manila Envelope), Alligator Ethics, and Paper 2: Video Game Ethics (Blue, Green)

For today's class, we will turn in our papers and discuss:

1. What did we get out of this paper? What did we learn?

2. The Alligator River Story

And the Introduction of Project 2:

Project 2: How do ethics inform arguments?

In project 2, the student writer has moved into the role of rhetor, making his or her own arguments (instead of primarily observing arguments, as in project 1).

Different students will analyze ethical controversies in contexts of video games. They will then tailor their arguments to specific audiences, adapting the rhetorical appeals they first observed in project 1...

Find more information here


Remix Culture vs. Copyright Culture

What are the Different Sides of this issue?
What are the grey areas of this issue?
What sources would you use to prove your point?

1. Choose your video game and begin playing your game. Begin doing preliminary research on your game for sources.
2. Look for a Blogposting Assignment on Friday
3. Bring your video game (and your console) to class.