ENC 1102 Information

Gary Ancheta

(I do not answer my phone, so please e-mail me if you have any questions).

Cooper Hall 308-L

Office Hours:
1-5 T/Th
(please e-mail or talk to me after class to make an appointment).

Class Links
Project 3 Outline
Project 3 Worksheet
Annotated Bibliography
Project 2 Worksheet
Project 1 Worksheet
Class Syllabus

USF English Links
Writing Center
College Writing Resources

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Reviews, Analysis, Outlines, and Thesis: GREEN AND BLUE CLASS

Today we will talk about:

1. What is the Purpose of your Games?
2. What are the Similarities/Differences between your games?

The Differences Between Analysis and Review...

Signifying Play: The Sims and the Sociology of Interior Design

Review of the Sims:

Different Types of Outlines for Compare/Contrast...

- Your paper has to be more than just compare two pieces. It has to have an argument for something.

Sequential Method Outline

- Discuss all of Game A

- Discuss al of Game B

- Conclusion integrates both

Lens Paper: looks at one text as it relates through the “lens” of another

- The second text is used in reference to the first

- Discuss Game A as it relates to Theme 1, using Game B as an example

- Discuss Game A as it relates to Theme 2, using Game B as an example

- Discuss Mario brothers in terms of japanese manga, through the lens of the pokemon video game

Point by Point method: if you have themes or ideas or points that parallel specifics in both texts

- Discuss Theme 1 with Game A and B

- Discuss Theme 2 with Game A and B

Look Over the Project 1 Post (especially the Questions in the comment section regarding how to write your paper) as well as the examples of students found at:

Rough Draft due at the beginning of Class (it must be completed and typed in order to get credit) .