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Gary Ancheta

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Monday, September 1, 2008

Advertising, Education, and Persuading: Games for Analysis

Schedule for Today's Class:

1. Quiz
2. Summary of Readings and the Class, Introduction of Schedule
3. Define Persuasive Games, Advergames, and Educational Games (with examples of "Successful" versions of these types of games)
4. Set up blogs (link to the main blog and two of your classmates)
5. Homework:
- BLOG: about two video games from the list. Talk about how they fit into the genre of games we talked about in class and how they fit into your own ideas about advertising, education, and politics.
- READ: Chapter 2 in the book
- FIND: two different video games and bring the urls to class on Thursday that fall within the genress of Advergames, Persuasive Games, or Educational Games.


Cristina Baldeon said...

I feel the two best games that describes Education and Advertising would be PlanetGreengames.com andClick4obama.com. For planetgreengames before even entering the game it gave you facts about global warming and also showed pictures of devestations happening ,do to the changes in climates. It not only represents the harmful effect but it also gives you strategies on how to reverse the effects. While playing the game along with the facts that will pop up, it showes you the amount of emissions produced by driving ,etc. It also again shows you alternative methods on which reduce emissions. For the advertising games i feel that Click4obama gives a good representation. Not only in the title is the games advertising Obama , but once entering Obama's name is in plain sight in bold letters. The game itself it claim to "gain more ad's" , adding in even more advertising.

Erika said...

I am in class yellow. Two games that I found interesting to play were Darfur is Dying and Pack Man. Darfur is political as well as educational because you play like you are living in the everyday life of the people in Darfur. If you are caught by the military, it gives you facts about the person's age group that you choose to be. On of the characters is a teenage girl, and if she is caught it gives you facts about how females her age are commonly raped and abused in the camps. If you choose to go to the camp, you get to live life like they do. There are links that you can click on to send emails to the President and how to become involved with the Darfur cause. The other game packman is played like the normal packman game which draws in alot of players because its an entertaining game to play. It is an educational game because it informs people of all the waste that fast food resturants and other places use on a daily basis. It is trying to promote the importance of recycling to try and help save the environment.

Sampsonred said...

I think the two best games that fit together really good is PlanetGreengames and Darfur is Dying. Planetgreen shows a lot of educational facts in which we can help our planet.PLanetgreen was really interesting fact about our planet and how the things that we are doing is affecting our planet. After you play the game for a little bit it also show you ways in which you can help change the things we do so that it does not have an big impact on our planet.
The second educational game i picked was Darfur is Dying. I thought that this game was really touching because little kids are being kidnapped, abused, and raped when they are going out trying to find food and water for their family. Darfur people get caught by militia and they are taken to camps where they are mistreated. There are also some links for you to send emails to the President. And this allows you to become involved with this people to help them through their struggle.

Tiele said...

I played the game " escape from yput boy friends room" and "ID the creep". When I played " escape", I couldn't really figure out what I was doing besides trying to get out of this room. There are certian things you can click on that give you " clues" I think. like if you turn off the light there is glow paint on the wall that says " I WILL HURT YOU". So I figure out quickly that my "boyfriend was a phsyco. I eventually stopped playing because I couldn't understand what they wanted me to do.

After that game I played" ID the creep". The rules to this game were easy to follow. You pick a vurlnable girl character and you pick which media you want to use on the internet like im, email, and chating. I picked chating you sit there and pick which of the people talking to You are creeps. Basicly you win the game by assuming everyone is evil.
These games I played were persuasive games in the truest sense. In that they showed one point of view in the best light. They were basicly trying to teach you to be suspicous of everyone and everything.

Mallory Quinn (orange class) said...

Hello, this is Mallory Quinn from the Orange class. Since it was stated in class we did not have to use the provided list, I found two games in my search I found effective. The first was at the website: http://www.newsbreakergame.com. This was an advergame for msnbc news. The game reminded me of one I used to play when I was little called crab catch. You use a bar at the bottom to bounce a ball and knock bricks over. For every few bricks you knock over a news headline appears. I believe this game could be considered an advergame as well as educational. It advertises for the msnbc news channel, as well as educating the public of political, scientific and entertainment news; all important topics of our life in an eclectic grouping.
Another educational game I played was a physics game on how to make alloys: http://nobelprize.org/educational_games/physics/steel/index.html. I thought this website was interesting because it was called nobelprize.org and all the games were based on nobel prize winners in physics, literature, chemistry, etc. I thought this website had great intentions but the games were relatively mundane and more instrunctional media clips than interactive so I don't think they could grasp people's attention easily.

Michael (Orange) said...

I went on the site http://www.adultswim.com/games/game/index.html?game=surgeon and played the game where you had to be a surgeon of people who were injured, either by you or some extraordinary circumstance that occured. I found it kind of odd because the first level is where you automatically hit a hobo and you have to open up his rib cage and piece back his ribs and then apply "no more pain" cream after putting in sutures. This fit into the category of educational some what because it taught you something and it was also entertainment to some extent.

I then went onto another site http://www.darfurisdying.com/ and this was actually disturbing to me. You have to choose a male/female with ages ranging from 30 years old to 10 years of age. You had to play with the character and try to get water from the well while trying to dodge the militia, and if you were not successful you were caught and the game ended. I know the situation in Darfur but to make a video game out of it I guess could be educational because many people may not know about this horrid situation and it may reach a vast amount of people through video game techonoloy. It is a very educational game that falls under the lines of "serious" because there is no underlying tone of "pure entertainment."

David Pearlman said...

My name is David and i am form the red class and the two video games that fit education and advergames are Darfur is Dying and Planet Green. The Darfur is Dying games is education for the people who don't know what is going on around the world. The Planet Green game covers both aspect as an education and advertising game. The game has a lot of information about global warming and what each person can do to help. It also advertises for other types of transportation rather than an automobile.

Carolyn Albrecht said...

I'm Carolyn from the orange class. The three games that I found to be the most interesting to play were the Darfur is Dying, Pack Man, and the Planet Green Games. For the Darfur is Dying game i sfound it to be very political and educational. For people who don't know much about what's happening in the world around them. You play as a person living in Darfur and you face the problems that they face. You can be captured by the military. if you are it gives you facts about what happens to the people and facts about the lives of people of that sex/age. This game is educational because it shows/teaches you about how the people of Darfur have to get their own water, are abused and raped and how if captured they're taken to camps and are mistreated.
The second game I loved to play was Pack Man. This game resembled the original packman game, which is my favorite games. This game shows how much waste fast food restaurants and other places make. This game advertises that and tries to promote having a healthier/cleaner environment.
The third game i chose was the Planet Green Games. This game was very educational. It teaches you a lot about the planet and the environment. This game shows you the effects on the planet of the things you do and ways you can change to keep the planet healthier. It's promoting a healthier environment.

two other games i found were:

Erika said...

This is Erika from class yellow. I sae that we had to blog about a third game. I played the super chick sisters game. It is persuasive and educational. It is set up to play the game like mario brothers. It starts out by giving you information about kfc on a news broadcast and then you choose your player and you try and save chickens from colonel sanders. Along the way you are given facts about KFC and what they do to the chickens to prepare them for our enjoyment. The game is persuasive because it is trying to get the general public to stop consumin KFC but it is also educational because it gives you facts about the business as well. it is an enjoyable game because it takes the gamer back to playing mario brothers which is a favorite fo many.

Anonymous said...

I found two games online that are examples of persuasive video games. A game called "Go Michael Go!" is played by you (Michael) trying to cover up pedophile evidence before the cops find out. It could be classified as persuasive because it has a clear statement about an issue and the game is played through that point of view.
A game called "Clubby the Seal" is played as a seal on "a mission of violent revenge!" clubbing seal clubbers and then collecting their "hides" and selling them on the black market. It has a clear opinion about the clubbing of seals and the game works to persuade the player to the same viewpoint, just as in, "GO Michael Go!"

Anonymous said...

I found two games online that are examples of persuasive video games. A game called "Go Michael Go!" is played by you (Michael) trying to cover up pedophile evidence before the cops find out. It could be classified as persuasive because it has a clear statement about an issue and the game is played through that point of view.
A game called "Clubby the Seal" is played as a seal on "a mission of violent revenge!" clubbing seal clubbers and then collecting their "hides" and selling them on the black market. It has a clear opinion about the clubbing of seals and the game works to persuade the player to the same viewpoint, just as in, "GO Michael Go!"

WatersRED said...

I played the BMW M3 game and the "park a mini" game. I think both games fall into the advergame catagory and for good reason. These games are geared toward people who are possible in the car market, and both appeal to the posstive aspects of the cars. The BMW game is trying to sell people on how fast the M3 is. You feel like if you bought a BMW you would have a super fast, stylish car. The cooper does not focus on speed or racing. The game focuses on how small the car is and how easily it can be parked. This will appeal to people who may live in metropolitan areas and parking is limited. I think these are 2 great advergames and possitively represent both products.

Anonymous said...

After going to the darfur is dying website, it became pretty obvious that this was a serious game. Darfur is not only a reality, but also something that is a big part of society today. The game allows one to become a person in the conflict. Although I can see why some of my classmates think is disturbing, you are a child running away from militia/mercenaries trying to survive. But thats the reality of the situation. So, ultimately it does prove its purpose to bring awareness to rest of the world. The website also provides links to websites where one can help Darfur victims and bring an end to the conflict.

When thinking about advertising. the video game that comes to mind is Taco Bell's; entertaining and objective. One learns there whole menu while trying to consume as much of it as possible. In an indirect way, Taco Bell's representatives are making one memorize their food so that one buys it. Ultimately, is effective.

So, when thinking politics persuasion comes to mind. When I visited the clickforobama.com, thats all it was tring to get more people to click for obama, thus getting him more support and a bigger campaign. Not entertaining, but objective.

Marco J said...

This is Marcus Hicks from the red class. The game that i played was called Darfur is Dying. I would definitely classify the game as educational, and possibly even persuasive. The game, in my opinion, serves to open your eyes to just a small portion of the atrocities that are ocurring in Darfur each day. Making a game doesn't begin to describe the absolute horror of the situation, but it is a start in helping to inform the world of a problem which should be globally recognized. As far as it pertains to persuasion, it seems to simply push you to help in any way possible by giving you a small glimpse of the reality which the people in Darfur wake up to everyday. Overall the game is quite interesting and though i was originally skeptical about its purpose, I was engrossed by the concepts which it embodied once i began playing it.
The second game I played was called the torture game. Let me start by saying that it was advertising game. As crude as it seems, it conveys the idea of torture as being enjoyable, I suppose. I don't really kno the background of the game or the premise on which it was founded, but it seems to key into that portion of our psyche that indulges in harming others. When I initially played the game, I found it a bit gory. Nontheless, it was amusing to a degree and I played it more than once. This shows the more animalistic traits of our culture and proves that no matter how civilized we become, there is always evil inherent within humanity itself.